20Oct 2008
IP Awareness and Enforcement: Modular Based Actions for SMEsCOTANCE produces a Handbook on Intellectual Property Rights for the leather sector
Counterfeiting and piracy causes significant damage to industrial operators and business in many sectors. Fashion...
20Oct 2008
Terms of Payment - Guidelines
adopted by COTANCE, Paris, 13 June 2008
Introduction – Why this document ?
Credit for business has become increasingly difficult and costly, notably in traditional sectors composed by SME’s such as the leather industry, ...
20Oct 2008
One Leather Training goes on line
(2005-2007) On 3rd October 2005 Europe’s leather research and training centres together with a number of European leather trade associations launched in Naples, at the SSIP, the start of “ONE LEATHER TRAININGâ€, a EU ...
20Nov 2007

UNIC publishes "101 Standards Translated"
Correspondance between Italian and international standards in 6 languages
The 74-page publication aims at offering businesses concrete help about the correspondence between different international and national tes...
20Oct 2006

ASOAC - COTANCE Position Statement - June 2006
(Original French – unofficial translation)
Regarding taxes and restrictions to exports of raw hides and skins, and wet-blue, as well as customs duties on leather imports
The Leather industries of Europe an...
20Oct 2006

COTANCE Position Statement on the WTO trade round (DDA)COTANCE Council meeting - Bologna, 20 April 2006
Meeting in Bologna for the COTANCE Spring Council, the representatives of Italy (UNIC), Spain (CEC-FECUR), Germany (VDL), France (FFTM), Sweden (SG), Un...
20Oct 2005
COTANCE Submission regarding the EU Origin Marking initiative
COTANCE pleads for an EC Origin Marking Regulation applying to the leather value chain that is linked to a compulsory EU composition-labelling Scheme for all consumer articles made typically of ...
20Oct 2004

EU Meetings for the Leather Industry The EU Leather and Tanning Industry and Sustainable Development
On the 27th May 2004 a Conference on Sustainability and the Leather sector took place at the premises of the European Commission.It was organized by DG ENT...
20Oct 2003
Better Articulation of the Social Sectoral Dialogue at EU/National level
Early 2003, the Social Partners of the Leather industry at European level submitted a project proposal on the topic of “articulation†of the social dialogue in the sector and expl...