• cotance@euroleather.com

Strengthening collective bargaining power across the European Union

At its 580th plenary session, held on 12 and 13 July 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the following opinion, available in all language versions.

The main aim of this opinion is to explore the reasons for and implications of ways to stem the overall decline of trade union density across the EU. The EESC highlights the role of trade unions, employers and governments in collective bargaining and social dialogue, including wage coordination. The EESC also identifies opportunities for ensuring the viability of sound and solid structures for collective bargaining while respecting the autonomy of social partners as well as national industrial relations. The EESC believes that collective bargaining and social dialogue can support industrial strategy in changing economic conditions and boost productivity at the workplace. It also notes that innovation in the workplace is critical for the success of any business and recommends that such processes are addressed as part of collective bargaining and social dialogue in general.