• cotance@euroleather.com

A new Social and Environmental Report for the European leather industry



European Leather Industry - Social and Environmental Report 2020 - EN
Industrie Europeenne du Cuir - Rapport Social et Environnemental 2020 - FR
Industria Conciaria Europea - Rapporto socio-ambientale 2020 - IT
Industria Europea del Curtido - Informe Social y Medioambiental 2020 - ES
Europaische Lederindustrie - Sozial- und Unweltbericht 2020 - DE
A Industria de Curtumes Europeia - Relatorio Social e Ambiental 2020 - PT
Industria Europeana de Pielarie - Raport Social si de Mediu 2020 - RO
Europai Boripar - Tarsadalmi es kornyezetvedelmi Jelentes az Europai Boriparrol 2020 - HU
Laderindustrin i Europa - Social- och Miljorapport 2020 - SE


The SER videos can be found, with subtitles, on our Youtube channel

Kicking off the Project in 2019

On 7 February 2019, Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano (COTANCE) and Laurent Zibell (industriAll-European trade  union), the Social Partners at European level of the Leather/Tanning Sector, gave the official start to their new Social Dialogue project. They will produce and publish a new Social and Environmental Report of the European Leather Industry that should follow-up on the exercise done in 2012. This 18-month initiative received the support of the European Commission and will be carried out with the collaboration of affiliates in 10 EU Member States (see hereunder).

The aim of the exercise is to promote the image of European leather as a modern and sustainable industry. The deliverables of the SER 2020 target the industry’s stakeholders with the ambition that they will be able to appreciate the progress achieved by the sector in terms of CSR and consolidate the good reputation of European tanners.

Starting with an intensive survey amongst European tanneries, the project will collect company data on 37 social indicators and about 39 environmental parameters that reflect the performance of the tannery. Company data will be anonymised and aggregated at national level before being centrally computed at European level for drawing the conclusions that will flow into the 2nd Social & Environmental Report of the European Leather Industry.

The Report will be completed with the activities developed by the Social Partners together or individually between 2012 and 2019 and in particular those related to projects such as Leather is my Job!, A Future for Leather!, or Due Diligence for Healthy Workplaces in the Tanning industry, as well as to the development by COTANCE of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for Leather, to Animal Welfare, to Traceability and to all the initiatives to improve the image of leather and develop education and training in the European Leather industry.

The initiative also includes the implementation of national workshops aimed at promoting the exercise and addressing hot topics related to Social or Environmental issues affecting the image of the leather industry.

A Final Conference on 1st December 2020 where the results will be presented will conclude the initiative.

Project reference: VS/2019/0009
Coordinator: COTANCE / Co-coordinator: industriAll European trade union

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This project has received funding from the European Union. Sole responsability lies within the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.