TCLF Joint Statement on European Elections

On June 4, 2024, the European Commission’s DG GROW hosted a stakeholder event for the TCLF sectors to discuss updates on some of the key initiatives of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles, the implementation of the Transition Pathway for the Textiles Ecosystem, the EU Pact for Skills, and the European Partnership on Textiles under Horizon Europe.
On this occasion, COTANCE together with CEC, EURATEX and industriAll Europe have agreed upon a joint declaration on the TCLF social Partners’ priorities for the next European Mandate (2024 – 2029):
1. Ensure a Just Transition for our industries and workforce
2. Develop a re-skilling and up-skilling agenda
3. Promote social dialogue and social partners' involvement
4. Ensure a sensible, stable and coherent regulatory environment for our industries
5. Access to energy and raw materials
6. Free and fair trade to ensure a level playing field
7. Sustainability and increased demand for products made in TC Europe